Refund Policy

Welcome, and thank you for selecting our services. At Ecoms Genie AI, we prioritize customer satisfaction and commit ourselves to delivering excellence in all our offerings. Below, you will find our detailed refund policy to ensure clear understanding and absolute transparency.
Money-Back Guarantee
Should you subscribe to a paid plan and find our platform does not meet your expectations, you are entitled to a full refund within 30 days of your initial purchase. Please note, this 30-day money-back guarantee is applicable solely to your most recent payment.
Typically, refunds are processed within 24-48 hours. However, please be advised that in some cases, it might take up to 5 to 10 business days for the refund to be processed. Once processed, the refund amount will be credited back to your card. The duration for the credited amount to reflect in your card account may vary based on your card provider’s policies.
Cancellation Process
Subscriptions may be cancelled at any point by accessing account settings or by contacting our dedicated customer support team.
Payment Declines and Access Revocation
If a payment is declined due to reasons like insufficient funds, expired cards, etc., your access to Ecoms Genie AI will be suspended. Access will be reinstated after a successful payment. Ecoms Genie AI is not responsible for any additional fees levied by your financial institution due to declines.
Contact Us
Should you harbor any questions or require further clarification regarding our refund policy, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team at [email protected] or call us at 786 365 8070. We remain at your disposal to facilitate a satisfying experience with our services.